

Metacognition is a subdomain of cognitive psychology, which refers to the set of processes that monitor the progress of our thinking and regulate the time and effort devoted to it. Meta-Reasoning is a nascent research domain under the metacognitive umbrella, which focuses on the metacognitive processes which accompany reasoning and problem solving. The Meta-Reasoning framework provides a basis for developing concrete research questions and for guiding future research.

This website serves as a resource for the Meta-Reasoning community. It is meant to help literature reviews, provide ideas for future research, and encourage multidisciplinary collaborations. It is directed at bringing together academic scholars interested in all aspects of Meta-Reasoning research, including but not limited to cognitive, developmental, social, and educational psychology, as well as philosophy and neuroscience.

Examples of questions guiding research in the Meta-Reasoning domain:

  • Monitoring – Reasoning and problem-solving processes extend over a period of time: How are these processes monitored?
  • Control – What determines whether to continue, switch strategies, or terminate thinking about a problem?
  • What cues do we rely on to monitor our reasoning?
  • How does understanding Meta-Reasoning contribute to understanding the processes that mediate reasoning and problem solving?
  • How do individuals differ in their ability to assess their performance?
  • Can reasoning be improved by insights from Meta-Reasoning research?
  • What can Meta-Reasoning tell us about human rationality?